Address from the President

Ahiii Aka Ji Aku! – Ike Abiriba!
Ahiii Aka Ji Aku! – Ike Abiriba!
Ike Abiriba! – Chebe Ena!
Ike Abiriba! – Chebe Ena!
Ahiii Ameke! – Abiriba!
Ahiii Agborji! – Abiriba!
Ahiii Amogudu! – Abiriba!
Enachioken nmamma ni! – Uwaah!
Greetings to you all,
I want to use this medium to welcome you to the ‘Aka Ji Aku League of Friends’ platform.
The purpose of this forum is for members to participate in the development of our community
(the great ancient kingdom of Abiriba Enachioken).
In so doing, we can stand in for one and another as the saying goes “one for all and all for
I personally believe in “onuru ube nwanneya agbatukwa oso”.

Therefore, may I encourage you to prepare your minds and be ready to contribute your time,
energy, and resources for the course of Aka Ji Aku League of Friends.
By the grace of God, we will make an impact and set precedence for others to follow.
Long live Aka Ji Aku and long live Abiriba Enachioken.
AkaJiAku Agwu Ochunkwo (Ochuru-mba, Tube-mba)

World-wide membership

80+ Countries

Completed Successfully

50+ projects

Akajiaku James Agwu Ochunkwo


Akajiaku Dr. John O. Kalu (OTBC)

General Secretary, AKA JI AKU

Message from the Secretariat

I am pleased to introduce the Aka Ji Aku Values and Behaviours Framework, which reflects our belief for this noble association. The framework represents who we are and connects with the shared values enshrined in our constitution.
Aka Ji Aku is built on a strong foundation based on three twin values of:

  • Love & Friendship
  • Understanding & Honesty
  • Respect & Humanity

We demonstrate each of the above-mentioned values in our individual conducts and when relating with others. Those whom we interact with would easily testify of having had a wonderful experience.

While these values may be viewed as aspirational, they are also rooted in our present-day conducts. They shape everything we do, from how we engage with each other day-to-day, to how we partner with others to deliver community development projects for the betterment of our motherland – Abiriba Enachioken.

We can only succeed as good ambassadors of Aka Ji Aku if we all align with these shared common values.

I therefore encourage each member to familiarize yourselves with the framework and bring the values and behaviours to life in your daily conducts. We hope you find the information meaningful.

Happy reading!
AkaJiAku Dr John O. Kalu (PhD)

Board of Trustees